[SSM framework] basic use of Mybatis
Basic use of Mybatis
Learning objectives
Meet Mybatis Learn about Mybatis features Know why to learn Mybatis Use Mybatis to write a simple program Learn to use the basic functions of Mybatis Understand the basic configuration of Mybatis
1, Meet Mybatis
Official documents
1. Introduction
MyBatis was apache An open source project ...
Posted by ac1dsp3ctrum on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 01:49:01 +0100
Annotation and reflection
Annotation is a new technology introduced from JDK 5.0effect: 1. It is not the program itself, but the program can be explained (this is no different from the comment) 2. It can be read by other programs (such as compiler, etc.)Format of Annoation: Annotations exist in the code as "@ annotation name". You can also add ...
Posted by spacee on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 01:57:08 +0100
Eight common internal sorting algorithms implemented in Java
1, Insert class sort
1. Insert sort2. Hill sortComplexity analysis2, Exchange class sorting
3. Bubble sorting4. Quick sortComplexity analysis3, Select sort
5. Simple selection and sorting6. Heap sortingComplexity analysis4, Other internal sorting
7. Merge and sort8. Cardinality sortingComplexity analysisReference article: ...
Posted by elraj on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 16:14:03 +0100
Fast access to Google two-step authentication Google Authenticator
(1) Introduction
Since you read this article, you should know what Google's two-step authentication is for. Here is another link to download the app
(apkpure search Google authenticator)
Explanation of verification principle:
Find the 32-bit random code bound before the login user in the database (the code is generally stored in the datab ...
Posted by whare on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 03:47:55 +0100
javaEE SSM framework maven project introduction simple book management - final review for beginners
javaEE SSM framework maven project introduction simple book management - Novice final review
#This project is only used for novice reference and entry reference to realize super simple login registration and book search, poor selection, deletion and modification. Please detour, Daniel. The first article is dedicated to java (the regret of the ...
Posted by vasilis on Thu, 23 Dec 2021 12:28:33 +0100
Java8 Stream and lambda usage
It is used to perform various operations and operations on the data in the collection, such as filtering, sorting, mapping... Finally get the result
The collection focuses on the storage of data, and the Stream stream focuses on the operation and operation of the data stored in the collection
Use steps
Gets the object of a Stream s ...
Posted by dpluth on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 07:08:42 +0100
Java EE learning notes - jQuery
1. Core function of jQuery: $()
1. The passed in parameter is a function: it means that after the page is loaded, it is equivalent to window ο nl ο ad=function(){} 2. Pass in HTML string: these HTML tag objects will be created 3. Pass in selector string: query label objects according to the selector 4. Pass in DOM object ...
Posted by bsteimel on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 10:42:31 +0100
Java Web final assignment - cake ordering system
Video display
Java Web job -- cake ordering system
1 Purpose and requirements of the experiment
Objective: to learn the basic knowledge of Java Web and master the necessary knowledge of servlet and jsp. Cultivate the ability to build practical projects.
2 demand analysis
2.1 problem statement
With the popularization and develop ...
Posted by SpectralDesign.Net on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 00:34:24 +0100
Java Object Oriented
Object-oriented is a programming idea, as opposed to process-oriented Both process-oriented and object-oriented are ideas, and object-oriented is relative to process-oriented. Process-oriented, emphasizing functional behavior, with functions as the smallest unit, consider how to do it. Object-oriented encapsulates functionality into objects, e ...
Posted by haironfire on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 11:33:50 +0100
Mysql Diff Java object-oriented summary
MySQL diff summary:
1. When dealing with the problem, take the object-oriented method to extract the objects existing in the problem or instance.
2. When extracting the object, try to consider it as complete as possible, and separate each feature of the problem into each attribute of the object.
3. Object separation is good, and modeling is ...
Posted by clartsonly on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 03:02:00 +0100