[redis] three ways to implement distributed locks

1, Why use distributed locks When developing applications, if we need multi-threaded synchronous access to a shared variable, we can use the Java multi-threaded processing we learned, and it can run perfectly without bugs! However, this is a stand-alone application, that is, all requests will be allocated to the JVM of the current server, and ...

Posted by harrymanjan on Mon, 17 Jan 2022 11:15:26 +0100

Consul introduction practice -- installation and management

This paper mainly introduces the installation and use of consul. The software versions used in this paper are RHEL 6.6 and Consul 1.11.1. 1. Stand alone installation 1.1. Download Consul and unzip it https://www.consul.io/downloads unzip consul_1.11.1_linux_amd64.zip 1.2 startup ./consul agent -server -ui -bootstrap-expect=1 -data-dir=./data ...

Posted by azuka on Mon, 17 Jan 2022 02:03:36 +0100

[microservices] the Gateway backend program of Gateway microservices is the only way

preface introduce The previous article has completed the call between services, but how can we implement the interface of external calling services. First of all, we can call it by directly calling the public network ip + port. This method is certainly feasible, but it must be unsafe to expose the ip and port directly. In case someone hac ...

Posted by Ekate on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 15:28:50 +0100

Understand the use and configuration of microservices and spring cloud

Understanding microservices: Concept: microservice is a design style of system architecture, which divides an originally independent service into multiple small services. Each service runs independently in its own process, and the services communicate through HTTP RESTful API Each small service is built around a highly coupled business in the ...

Posted by ReVeR on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 12:31:20 +0100

Nacos multi environment isolation and configuration synchronization management

preface This article mainly introduces you to configuration management and service isolation in Nacos multi environment from the following points What is the Namespace of Nacos Business status and pain points Introduction to environmental isolation scheme Configure synchronization management scheme What is the Namespace of Nacos Nacos is a p ...

Posted by dannel77 on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 11:39:30 +0100

Record the troubleshooting of an online springcloud feign request service timeout exception

Due to the recent surge in online orders, the third party reported that some work order businesses failed to query and process. After investigation, the current system failed to call the downstream system through FeignClient (the exception code is posted below). Caused by: feign.RetryableException: Read timed out executing POST http://xxxx ...

Posted by faza on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 07:36:24 +0100

Implementation of distributed delay tasks based on rabbitmq delay plug-in

Undertake the above Practice of delay queue based on redis and redisson Today, we will introduce rabbitmq, a delay plug-in based on rabbitmq_delayed_message_exchange implements deferred tasks. 1, Usage scenarios for delayed tasks 1. The order was placed successfully and was not paid for 30 minutes. Payment timeout, automatic cancellation of ord ...

Posted by komquat on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 10:47:08 +0100

Realize the daily limit of users in Go (for example, you can only receive benefits three times a day)

If you write a bug management system and use this PeriodLimit, you can limit each tester to only mention one bug to you every day. Is work much easier PThe essential reason for the popularity of microservice architecture today is to reduce the overall complexity of the system and spread the system risks to subsystems, so as to maximize the stab ...

Posted by obscurr on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 06:27:43 +0100

Realize the daily limit of users in Go (for example, you can only receive benefits three times a day)

If you write a bug management system and use this PeriodLimit, you can limit each tester to only mention one bug to you every day. Is it much easier to work? 😛 The essential reason for the popularity of microservice architecture today is to reduce the overall complexity of the system and spread the system risks to subsystems, so as to maximiz ...

Posted by hazel999 on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 06:24:39 +0100

The most complete introductory SpringCloud tutorial ever, taking you deep from scratch ♂ Learning - Hystrix Components: Service Degradation and Dashboard Flow Monitoring

SpringCloud (10) - Hystrix Components: Service Degradation and Dashboard Flow Monitoring service degradation Service downgrade means that when server pressure increases sharply, some services and pages are not handled strategically according to actual business conditions and traffic, or handled in a simple way, thereby releasing server resour ...

Posted by deathrider on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 18:32:17 +0100