Practice of single sign on system (SSO) in microservice

Introduction to single sign on system Background analysis In the traditional login system, each site implements its own special login module. The login status of each site does not recognize each other, and each site needs to log in manually one by one. For example: Such a system is also called multipoint login system. The application is r ...

Posted by joshberm on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 04:26:36 +0100

SpringCloud Day04 - service degradation (Hystrix)

7. Hystrix circuit breaker 7.1 general 7.1.1 problems faced by distributed system Applications in complex distributed architecture have dozens of dependencies, and each dependency will inevitably fail at some time. Service avalanche When calling between multiple microservices, suppose microservice A calls microservice B and microservi ...

Posted by zevious on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 10:52:45 +0100

Realize the daily limit of users in Go (for example, you can only receive benefits three times a day)

If you write a bug management system and use this PeriodLimit, you can limit each tester to only mention one bug to you every day. Is work much easier P The essential reason for the popularity of microservice architecture today is to reduce the overall complexity of the system and spread the system risks to subsystems, so as to maximize the st ...

Posted by roots on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 10:47:52 +0100

Spring security - user dynamic authorization and dynamic role permissions

1, Spring security dynamic authorization In the last article, we introduced the dynamic authentication of spring security. The last article said that the two main functions of spring security are authentication and authorization. Since authentication and learning, this article learned the dynamic authorization of spring security together. ...

Posted by MyWebAlias on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 10:45:05 +0100

[learning notes] common Docker commands

preface The main purpose of recording the common operation commands of Docker is to consolidate learning, and also hope to play a reference role for beginners. PS: the system environment of this drill is CentOS 7, Docker version is 20.10.12, and build e91ed57. Reference to this article: Docker tutorial | rookie tutorial ( Docker im ...

Posted by socalnate on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 09:43:25 +0100

Crazy God says spring cloud learning notes

Foreword: SpringBoot notes in station B crazy God talk Java, Portal UP is nice, the course is vivid, welcome to support. 1, What is micro service Overall deployment: it is difficult for the change of each module not to affect other modules, resulting in a long change cycle. The expansion needs to be expanded as a whole rather than partially.A ...

Posted by bagpuss03 on Sat, 08 Jan 2022 17:43:57 +0100

Spring Cloud Gateway deadly serial 10 Q?

This article introduces an important role in microservices: gateway. As for how to select a gateway, Alibaba has not yet selected a gateway. Of course, it has chosen Spring cloud Gateway. After all, it is my son. The article contents are as follows: Why do I need a gateway? In the traditional monomer architecture, only one service is ope ...

Posted by bonaparte on Fri, 07 Jan 2022 10:35:37 +0100

Spring cloud -- Rest is called with RestTemplate

Overview of microservices 1 what is micro service? Microservice architecture is an architecture mode, or architecture style. Its length divides a single application into a group of small services. Each service runs in its own independent process. Services coordinate and configure with each other to provide final value for users. Services ...

Posted by porto88 on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 02:10:23 +0100

Feign design principle

What is Feign? Feign means "pretend, disguise and deform" in English. It is a lightweight framework for HTTP request calling. It can call HTTP requests in the way of java interface annotation instead of directly calling them by encapsulating HTTP request messages in Java. Feign templates the request by processing annotations. When it ...

Posted by nicandre on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 23:45:53 +0100

Spring Cloud Alibaba uses Seata to solve distributed transactions

Why do distributed transactions occur? With the rapid development of business, website system often evolves from single architecture to distributed and micro service architecture, while for database, it changes from stand-alone database architecture to distributed database architecture. At this time, we will split a large application system in ...

Posted by phpbeginer on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 17:35:53 +0100