7. Integration of Spring Boot and jOQ

The Spring Boot or Spring Cloud-based micro-service system is the mainstream in the current situation of prevailing micro-services, and is also the new direction of selection in the current business scenario. Using Spring Boot to integrate jOOQ is relatively simple compared to using Spring directly ...

Posted by UrbanCondor on Wed, 04 Mar 2020 04:26:18 +0100

8. Adding Paging Extensions to DAO

Why extend DAO?In the previous section, I mentioned that the DAO generated by jOOQ has some basic CRID methods, as well as some query methods for each field.However, these methods are relatively simple and based on a single field to query, which is not enough to face complex business scenarios. For ...

Posted by Adthegreat on Wed, 04 Mar 2020 02:30:17 +0100

shell script to export remote mysql database table data to local

Script function Brief 1. Export remote mysql database table data to local and save as file 2. Support the configuration of table information to be exported to the configuration file. The script will cycle the configuration file and parse the configuration file, and then complete the subsequent data export. 3. Incremental export by time is ...

Posted by DJP1986 on Tue, 03 Mar 2020 09:58:27 +0100

Spring Data Jpa: use and source code analysis of Spring Data Jpa

Spring Data Jpa (2): use and source code analysis of Spring Data Jpa 1, Overview of Spring Data JPA 1.1 Spring Data JPA 1.2 relationship between Spring Data JPA, JPA and hibernate 2, Getting started 2.1 integrating Spring Data JPA and Spring 2.2 use JPA annotation to configure mapping relationship ...

Posted by ted_chou12 on Tue, 03 Mar 2020 09:33:05 +0100

docker builds nextcloud private cloud disk

Knowledge background Nextcloud is a branch of ownCloud, which was created after Frank caliche, the original developer of ownCloud, left. NextCloud is an open source network hard disk system. Anyone can get the NextCloud program freely, and build a private and free network hard disk in the home or ...

Posted by cardio5643 on Tue, 03 Mar 2020 08:27:27 +0100

MySQL Full Text Index, Joint Index, like Query, json Query Speed Match

Query Background There is a table, tmp_test_course Around 100,000 records, and then a json field, outline, that holds a one-to-many relationship (multiple codes, such as jy15776881775) We need to retrieve specific types of data in this 100,000 data set, with a total target of 2,931 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tmp_test_course WHERE `type`=5 AND del=2 ...

Posted by richardw on Tue, 03 Mar 2020 01:29:33 +0100

Technology sharing calculation method of MySQL field length limit

Author: kay is good at Oracle, mysql, PostgresSQL and other database fields. He is good at Oracle, MySQL performance optimization, database architecture design, database fault repair, data migration and recovery. He is keen on studying MySQL database kernel source code and sharing technical articles. He has Oracle OCP certification and works i ...

Posted by foo on Thu, 27 Feb 2020 11:04:37 +0100

sqoop data export and import

1. Introduction to sqoop: Sqoop is an open source tool, mainly used in Hadoop(Hive) and traditional databases (mysql, postgresql ) Data can be transferred from one relational database (such as mysql, Oracle, Postgres, etc.) to another Data can be imported into HDFS of Hadoop or into relational database. ...

Posted by wolfrock on Wed, 26 Feb 2020 07:30:01 +0100

MySql must know and be able to read notes

Chapter 7 data filtering Combine WHERE clause AND operator SELECT prod_price,prod_name FROM products WHERE vend_id = 1003 AND prod_price <=10; OR operator SELECT prod_price,prod_name FROM products WHERE vend_id = 1003 OR prod_price <=10; Calculator counts SELECT prod_price,prod_name, ...

Posted by gckmac on Sun, 23 Feb 2020 13:32:22 +0100

MySQL basic: MySQL data operation

Catalog Add record Update record Delete record Query record WHERE condition GROUP BY multi-table query Create foreign keys Joint query Common mathematical functions of MySQL Common string functions of MySQL Date functions commonly used in MySQL Other common functions Add record # grammar INSERT [I ...

Posted by juancuca on Sun, 23 Feb 2020 08:59:29 +0100