Qt: reflection of enumeration type

catalogue 1, Macro expansion 2, Q_ What are the benefits of enum? 3, Reference and use in specific projects enum DockOption { AnimatedDocks = 0x01, AllowNestedDocks = 0x02, AllowTabbedDocks = 0x04, ForceTabbedDocks = 0x08, // implies AllowTabbedDocks, !AllowNestedDocks VerticalTabs = 0x10, ...

Posted by cdrees on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 14:01:10 +0100

My QT Creator learning notes - processes and threads

Reference: Qt Creator quick start, Third Edition, edited by Huo Yafei 1, Process 1.1 process related classes, interfaces, signals, etc In the current application, you can call external programs to realize some functions, which will use the process. Qt's qpprocess class is used to start and communicate with an external program (process). To ...

Posted by ghadacr on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 14:56:05 +0100

Qt database application 7- export and print QTableWidget/QTableView data

1, Foreword The original intention of this component is to create a wheel to make data import and export extremely simple. It can be done in a few lines of code, which is applicable to most application scenarios. This is also the biggest difference between this component and qtxls. Qtxls aims to be large and comprehensive and provide various x ...

Posted by eddedwards on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 09:21:40 +0100

Qt music player

Qt music player summary Imitating the Netease cloud music mobile phone interface, the music player implemented by Qt Creator 4.9.0 (Enterprise) has the main functions of switching songs, previous and next, pausing, playing, switching lyrics display, and music playing mode, including (list order, single song cycle, random play), as well as d ...

Posted by sarun on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 13:26:53 +0100

Xi. Layout management

preface Qt provides many auxiliary tools for visiting controls 1, Five layout managers QVBoxLayout vertical layout VBox layout QVBoxLayout(); QVBoxLayout(QWidget* parent); Simple use method //1. Main window QWidget wid; wid.setWindowTitle("Vertical layout"); //2.new QVBoxLayout QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(); layout-&g ...

Posted by Shizzell on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 10:26:35 +0100

Qt actual combat case (30) -- using QUdpSocket class to realize UDP network broadcast communication

1, Project introduction UDP network broadcast communication is realized by using QUdpSocket class. Its principle is shown in the figure below. The working principle of UDP is: the UDP client sends a certain length of request message to the UDP server. The message size limit is related to the protocol implementation of each system, but it ...

Posted by RandomEngy on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 04:17:25 +0100

Qt tutorial: signals and slots

Signal and slot are used for communication between objects, which is the core of Qt. To this end, Qt introduces some keywords, such as slots, signals and emit. These keywords are not c + + keywords, but are unique to Qt. These keywords will be converted into standard C + + statements by Qt's moc. Qt's component classes have some defined signal ...

Posted by kye on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 18:14:02 +0100

Qt network programming based on C + + -- network conference program based on IP Multicast

catalogue 1, Experimental topic 2, Experimental purpose 3, Overall design 1. Experimental principle 2. Design steps 4, Detailed design 1. Procedure flow chart 5, Experimental results and analysis 6, Summary and experience 1, Experimental topic Network conference program based on IP Multicast 2, Experimental purpose Referring t ...

Posted by AndrewBacca on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 20:38:55 +0100

Qt and Python create Qt Remote Objec client / server respectively to communicate with each other

This content is original, please indicate the source for reprint. environment Ubuntu18.04 or Window 10 python 3.8.5 pyqt 5.9.2 Qt Remote Object, referred to as QtRO for short, can be used to communicate between different processes using signal slots. No more, just do it. I will use Qt and Python to create client and server respectively, and c ...

Posted by spider_man on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 07:16:23 +0100

qt login interface is simple to make, which is a real nanny level!!!

qt login interface is simple to make, which is a real nanny level!!! Engineering innovation practice in the second week: create a form, design the user login interface (including user name and password), and realize the user login function. When the user submits the login button, he is required to obtain the user name and password data in the ...

Posted by Sealr0x on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 04:15:32 +0100