Doker-compose Running Flask Application Best Practices

background Before deploying applications, various environment configurations were needed, and various shell operations were needed to build a set of available services. Now with Docker, deployment is easier, configuration errors are less likely, and environment inconsistencies are less likely. It solves the problems of running in the local en ...

Posted by martins on Tue, 14 May 2019 11:55:21 +0200

Redis source code reading: dictionary dict implementation

Redis source code reading: dictionary dict implementation Main Data Structures of Dictionaries Creating dictionaries and hashing algorithms Create dictionary Hash algorithm rehash process Traversal of Dictionaries Other API functions Redis source code reading: dictionary dict implementation Code version: Branch 5.0 ...

Posted by robpoe on Sun, 12 May 2019 10:49:44 +0200

Dynamic Construction of J2Cache and Notices

All along, we put data dictionary and other information in Redis cache, avoid using it, penetrate the database level, while improving performance. Recently, it was discovered that there were frequent Redis connection timeouts and other anomalies on the line. After tracking, it was found that a new dictionary table with more than 30,000 rows of ...

Posted by nickmagus on Sat, 11 May 2019 20:14:40 +0200

Distributed Project Mapping Server Data Mapping

In the last section, the implementation of CoAp client and server, the data is also sent to kafka in the format defined by the installation, followed by the implementation of Mapping server, which maps physical device data to abstract devices and gives data business meaning. iot-mapping Building iot-mapping module, introducing kafka public modu ...

Posted by nominator on Sat, 11 May 2019 20:02:02 +0200

Examples of PHP and Redis implementing snap-up and secondkill in high concurrency

Snap-up and second-kill are common scenarios. Interviewers often ask questions during interviews, such as how to achieve the snap-up second-kill in Taobao. Buying and killing in seconds is very simple, but there are some problems to be solved, mainly for two problems:1. Pressure on databases caused by high concurrency2. How to ...

Posted by philooo on Fri, 10 May 2019 20:28:18 +0200

Integration of Django+Django-Celery+Celery

This article is mainly due to the plan to use django to write a planned task, which can rotate the name of the staff on duty or execute scripts on time and other functions. After Baidu has countless pits, it can finally make use of this set of things to deploy. My English is not good, English is good or people who want to learn ...

Posted by tinkertron on Fri, 10 May 2019 11:12:03 +0200

LogStash is used to aggregate logs

elastic: In order to facilitate centralized viewing of the business logs of multiple hosts, we use Filebeat, Redis, Logstash to collect: (1) Filebeat monitors the changes of log files and writes the new part into redis. The log of each line is the data of a list set of specified key s in redis. (2) LogStash monitors t ...

Posted by warran on Thu, 09 May 2019 22:00:03 +0200

[redis data structure] Quickly understand the five redis data structures

redis is an advanced key:value storage system where value supports five data types: 1. strings 2. lists of strings 3. String sets 4. Ordered string sets 5. hashes There are a few points to remind you about key: 1. Keys should not be too long, try not to exceed 1024 bytes, which not only consumes memory, but also redu ...

Posted by Skawn on Wed, 08 May 2019 18:48:04 +0200

Redis Learning Cluster

Redis Learning Cluster Preface In the first place, we learned the basic operation of Redis, the use of Jedis and the persistence scheme of Redis. Next, we learned the cluster management of Redis. copy When data is stored on a server, if the server hangs up, the data will be lost, so Redis provides the function of replicati ...

Posted by NTM on Tue, 07 May 2019 04:25:05 +0200

Redis 7000w+ keys && 16G memory 100% repair experience

cause We always use redis of Aliyun. We are not a high concurrent application. We mainly use redis as distributed locks and a small amount of caches. It hardly needs maintenance. Yesterday afternoon, we suddenly received an alarm email. On-line redis memory is used 100% and instantaneous nerve tension sensation is confirmed by console.This is a ...

Posted by jim_de_bo on Mon, 06 May 2019 15:00:04 +0200