The realization of C language linked list in Joseph problem

1. First of all, let's understand what is Josephus ring problem: Tell an interesting story: Joseph is a general of the Jewish army. During the uprising against Rome, his army was defeated. There are only 40 remaining troops. They are all people who would rather die than surrender and become traitors. A group of people voted to die, so they used ...

Posted by Fluoresce on Mon, 06 Apr 2020 03:57:15 +0200

Source code analysis - start process of PackageManagerService(1)

I. overview 2, PMS initialization 2.1 PMS initialization sequence diagram 2.2 PMS source code Summary Reference resources I. overview background During application installation, it also includes the use of package manager service (PMS); This paper mainly analyzes the initialization process of ...

Posted by joeman3429 on Sun, 05 Apr 2020 01:16:39 +0200

The 100th blog post of Xiao Liu

Achieve [100 blog achievements] With the teacher's video, the interface has been written today, mainly including the user details page, which is called "riend" and "detail". posts friend circle article interface: // All under the user posts Interface router.get('/:id/post', (req, res) => { connect.query( 'se ...

Posted by crunchyfroggie on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 07:12:41 +0200

Simple use of z-tree

Along with the work of the previous requirement, because the project involves multi-level organizations, and there are a series of associated management under the organization, such as terminals. If you want to query the terminals, you have to query according to the organization, so the display of the organization is involved i ...

Posted by steven21 on Tue, 31 Mar 2020 07:28:42 +0200

Realization of tortoise and rabbit race prediction with C + +

Problem description There are all kinds of rabbits and tortoises in the world, but research has found that all rabbits and tortoises have a common feature - like running. Therefore, tortoise and hare competitions are taking place in every corner of the world. Xiaohua is very interested in this, so he decides to study the races between different ...

Posted by JoeBuntu on Sat, 28 Mar 2020 12:13:34 +0100

Briefly discussing the algorithm of snatching red envelopes

At first, I thought it should be random every time I grab a red envelope. The random upper limit is the amount of the remaining red envelopes. This is problematic. For example, if I send a red envelope of 100 yuan, the first person's random range is (0,100), and the average can grab 50 yuan.Then the second person's red envelope ...

Posted by roninblade on Wed, 25 Mar 2020 17:21:30 +0100

Introduction to the open source project Humanizer

Humanizer meets all your.Net needs for operations and displays of the following types, including strings, enumerations, dates, times, time spans, numbers, and quantities.It uses MIT for authorized distribution.   1. Humanized string Humanized string extensions allow you to convert strings that were originally processed by your computer into hum ...

Posted by mastermike707 on Thu, 19 Mar 2020 04:44:26 +0100

Using OpenJ9 JVM for Quarkus applications

In this article, see how to use the OpenJ9 JVM with Quarkus applications and see the memory usage results. Talk about those things in detail According to the definition on the home page, Quarkus is "Kubernetes native Java stack customized for OpenJDK HotSpot and grailvm". Since I'm a big fan of OpenJ9, I quickly measured the memory us ...

Posted by sgaron on Tue, 17 Mar 2020 05:44:15 +0100

ECMAscript Object Oriented Foundation

Object-oriented Encapsulation - the ability to store relevant information in objects Aggregation - The ability to store one object within another Inheritance - The ability of class properties and methods derived from another class (or classes) Polymorphism - The ability to write functions or meth ...

Posted by penguinboy on Sat, 14 Mar 2020 03:22:59 +0100

Week 1: Enumeration

Enumeration: a solution strategy based on trying answers one by one Example 1: perfect cube Description: A perfect cubic equation is defined as (a^3) = (b^3) +(c^3) +(d^3). For example, 12, 6, 8, 10. Write a program to find all four tuples (a,b,c,d) for any given positive integer n (n < = 100), so th ...

Posted by Immortal55 on Thu, 12 Mar 2020 12:39:12 +0100