bp algorithm for in-depth learning

1. Introduction of BP algorithm 1.1 Background Enlightened by the neural network in the human brain, computer simulation of the neural network in the human brain is used to realize machine learning technology of artificial intelligence. The bp algorithm is the most successful neural network algorithm to date. The bp algorithm can be used ...

Posted by dizandat on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 21:09:01 +0100

Algorithm and data structure 04 queue

queue Queue is another special linear table. Its particularity is that queue only allows inserting data elements at the end of the table and deleting data elements at the header. It has the characteristics of first in, first out, then in and then out.We call the end that is allowed to be deleted as the front and the end that is inserted as the ...

Posted by ahzulfi on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 17:35:23 +0100

High frequency algorithm (real interview question)

High frequency algorithm interview questions ★★★ bubble sorting Compare two from the start position for n rounds Basic Edition function bubbleSort (arr) { // Execute round i + 1 for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < arr.length - 1; j++) { // Compare the former with the latter in pairs if (arr[j] & ...

Posted by pcbytes on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 17:11:23 +0100

Critical path of AOE network and diagram

Relevant code address: https://gitee.com/gudongkun/datestruct 1, What is AOE AOE(Activity on edge network): in a weighted directed graph representing the project, the vertex represents the event, the directed edge represents the activity, and the weight on the edge represents the duration of the activity. Such a directed graph is called the e ...

Posted by savedlema on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 16:48:35 +0100

2021_ 07_ 20 (double pointer & ruler & discretization & introduction to stl partial containers & struct rewriting)

A - Sum of Consecutive Prime Numbers Given a positive integer, query how many satisfy its sum and can be expressed by continuous quality. Idea: because the num of this problem itself is not very large (10000), it contains fewer prime numbers. You can find all prime numbers and use a ruler to take them. #include <iostream> #include ...

Posted by aosmith on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 13:50:01 +0100

Red black tree -- c language implementation code

Red black tree Red black tree is a binary lookup tree with color attribute for each node, either red or black. In addition to the mandatory General requirements for binary search trees, we have added the following additional requirements for any effective red black tree: Nature 1 Nodes are red or black. Nature 2 The root node ...

Posted by jfugate on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 09:35:30 +0100

[Blue Bridge Cup brush questions] day-01

Basic exercise factorial calculation of test questions Problem description Enter a positive integer n and output n! Value of.    Where n= 123*…*n. Algorithm description n! It may be very large, and the range of integers that can be represented by the computer is limited, so it is necessary to use high-precision calculation m ...

Posted by LawsLoop on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 09:26:04 +0100

Teach you how to use java to realize binary search tree and its related operations

The basic operations of Binary Search Tree include search, maximum, minimum, previous, subsequent, insert and delete. The time spent on the basic operation of the binary search tree is proportional to the height of the tree. For example, for a complete binary tree with n nodes, the time complexity of the basic operation on it is O(logn). Howev ...

Posted by cauri on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 07:51:45 +0100

Algorithm: maximum compatibility score backtracking vs KM

This question comes from the third question of the 251th round of force deduction competition. The difficulty is medium. Investigate the backtracking method or KM algorithm Title: maximum compatibility score There is a questionnaire composed of n questions. The answer to each question is either 0 (no), or 1 (yes). The questionnaire was dis ...

Posted by cdorob on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 07:17:54 +0100

Sword finger Offer II 048 Serialization and deserialization binary tree

Serialization is the operation of converting a data structure or object into continuous bits, and then the converted data can be stored in a file or memory. At the same time, it can also be transmitted to another computer environment through the network, and the original data can be reconstructed in the opposite way. Please design an algorithm ...

Posted by refined on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 06:05:01 +0100