Using Baidu map to realize map grid

Recently, baidu map will be used to realize the function of building visualization, so the most basic function is to realize the division of building in different regions after gridding the map; 1. Go to the open platform of Baidu map to apply for the secret key. Here I post my secret key; ak=A3CklGvnFOjkAzKzay2dySgfdig0GKz4 2. Create a new sim ...

Posted by nomad9 on Wed, 15 Apr 2020 20:10:36 +0200

[2020Python cultivation] object oriented programming -- metaclass

[directory] 1, What is metaclass 2, How classes are generated -- the process of creating classes by keyword class 3, How to customize metaclasses to control the generation of classes 4, Built in method__ 5, Call of custom metaclass control class 6, Revisit - attribute search   1, What is metaclass Everything comes from one senten ...

Posted by Timsoft on Wed, 15 Apr 2020 16:51:59 +0200

Props, State and render functions in React

Summary of core features of React 1. React: Declarative Development (JS or jQuery attribute command development) 2. Can coexist with other frameworks 3. Componentization 4. One-way data flow (A parent component can directly change the data of a child component, but a child component cannot directly change the data of a parent component)   Props ...

Posted by lukelee on Sun, 12 Apr 2020 19:29:20 +0200

On dependency injection and inversion of control

Attribute level granularity public class Tire { private double size; public Tire(double size){ this.size = size; } } public class Bottom { private Tire tire; public Bottom(int size){ // Create dependent object components this.tire = new Tire(size); } } public class Framework { private Bottom ...

Posted by mckintosh18 on Fri, 10 Apr 2020 16:30:22 +0200

[learning notes] Python scientific computing 3D visualization (Huang Tianyu, song Tian) (in learning.)

0 guidance Objective: to master the ability of using 3D effect to express scientific and engineering data Spread an idea: visualization technology is the eye of data Content organization: Scalar visualization and vector visualization of fluid data Visualization example of 3D scanning data (model / terrain) 3D Earth scene visualization example ...

Posted by mynameisbob on Thu, 09 Apr 2020 12:11:19 +0200

[WPF Learning] Chapter 65 Creating Appearance-Free Controls

Original: [WPF Learning] Chapter 65 Creating Appearance-Free Controls The goal of user controls is to provide a design surface for supplementary control templates, providing a quick way to define controls at the expense of losing future flexibility.This is a problem if you like the functionality of user controls but need to modify them to ...

Posted by radman08 on Thu, 09 Apr 2020 07:19:18 +0200

You must know the JDK dynamic agent and CGLIB dynamic agent

When we read the source code of some Java frameworks, we often see the use of dynamic proxy mechanism, which can unconsciously enhance the methods of existing code, so that the code has a better expansibility. Through the static agent, JDK dynamic agent, CGLIB dynamic agent to analyze this paper. Static proxy Static proxy is that before the pr ...

Posted by Sydok on Mon, 06 Apr 2020 10:07:24 +0200

Abort signal: how to cancel asynchronous tasks in JavaScript

By Tomasz Jakut Crazy technology house Original text: No reprint without permission Sometimes it can be difficult to perform asynchronous tasks, especially when a specific programming language does not allow you to cancel operations that are not started by mistake or are no longer needed. Fortunately, ...

Posted by kustomjs on Mon, 06 Apr 2020 04:14:50 +0200

easyui's tabs are not displayed until they are fully rendered

If the initialization of tabs is written in good html, in the case of slow network speed, each tab page will be displayed before the tabs are rendered, and it looks like an ordinary div, with poor experience. There are two solutions: How to write the original tabs: <div class="easyui-layout" data-options="fit:true" id="costLayOut"> & ...

Posted by feifeifei on Mon, 06 Apr 2020 00:49:17 +0200

Introduction to visualization tool D3.js (Chapter 12) - force oriented graph

The concept of force oriented graph is not discussed in detail here. It is suitable for drawing relational information; Here are a few knowledge points about the force guide diagram: 1,d3.forceSimulation([nodes]) Create a new force map; 2,simulation.force(name[, force]) If force is specified, the force (mechanical model) of the specified name i ...

Posted by Chris Mayo on Sun, 05 Apr 2020 14:43:00 +0200