Print jQuery. html with browser jqprint-0.3. js to create a general bill template js

For the company's product projects, the architecture used is relatively old, and the print plug-in tool is OCX. This has great limitations. You can only use IE browser, which is not even supported by EDGE browser, and you need to adjust the security configuration of IE browser. Based on the above reasons, the project decided to change the prin ...

Posted by stomlin on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 04:30:18 +0100

2w word | start the development of Web Components business component library from 0 to 1

Componentization is an important direction of front-end development. On the one hand, it improves development efficiency, on the other hand, it reduces maintenance cost. Mainstream Vue JS, React and their extended Ant Design, uniapp, Taro, etc. are component frameworks.​Web Components Is the general name of a set of Web native API s, which allo ...

Posted by rockindano30 on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 03:59:27 +0100

Cocos2d JS mobile game decryption jsc and aes encryption and decryption analysis of http data ①

Analysis process 1. View game engine types 2. Install the game 3. Packet capture analysis 4.ida analysis so file 5. Obtain key decryption 6. Analyze the decrypted source code 7. Verify the analysis results Decryption tool: jsc decryption 1.44 Zip other document resources CSDN download cocos jsc decryption encryption program. You need t ...

Posted by Phsycoslaya on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 02:03:03 +0100

Detailed explanation of Proxy in JavaScript

Zero. IntroductionreferenceCalculation Ji Blog posts:< Detailed explanation of Proxy in JavaScript>Ruan Yifeng's< ECMAScript 6 getting started>- 15.ProxyCorrected some errors and reorganized the editing and typesetting for personal learning only.The origin of the problemvue3.0 starts Proxy instead of object Defineproperty, causing s ...

Posted by rcatal02 on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 01:54:00 +0100

CSS typing effect

preface First, let's imagine our typing scene. The letters will come out one by one. Our goal today is to achieve this effect be careful The core code in the project is animation, which is not supported in Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions. The easy version only uses CSS Let's start Our file directory is start-up First, we c ...

Posted by sfnitro230 on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 23:32:48 +0100

React -- props of the three cores of component instances

2. props When we need to transfer external data to the component, we need to use the props attribute of the component instance. Because state is internal to the component. You cannot use state to directly receive data only after the component is created, such as the data requested back. Transfer label properties The data passed to props is ...

Posted by ericbangug on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 22:30:14 +0100

Vue3 + element plus realizes the effect of data paging in the form

Final effect:   1. Components used Pagination component <el-pagination v-model:currentPage="currentPage4" :page-sizes="[100, 200, 300, 400]" :page-size="100" layout="total, sizes, prev, pager, next, jumper" :total="400" @size-change="handleSizeChange" @current-change="handleCurrentChange"> </el-pagination> 2. Pag ...

Posted by callie212 on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 21:59:57 +0100

In depth understanding of js anti shake and throttling

preface In the process of front-end development, we often need to bind some continuously triggered events, such as resize, scroll, mousemove, etc., but sometimes we don't want to execute functions so frequently in the process of continuously triggering events. How do we usually solve this problem? Generally speaking, anti shake and throttling ...

Posted by jaku78 on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 21:08:04 +0100

2022 front end required ⭐ Regular Daquan, please 🚀 Put it away in advance

Hello, I'm the author of any rule (a vscode plug-in). Thank you for your long-term love for any rule After more than one year's use, the background of any rule has been logged with 10w +. At the end of the year, please share your favorite regularities in this year🔥 Regular TOP10As expected, the most commonly use ...

Posted by slicer123 on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 18:04:40 +0100

Pinyin Pro Library -- a pure front-end implementation of javascript for converting Chinese characters to Pinyin

Generally, the function of converting Chinese characters to Pinyin is implemented by requesting the server api. For some simple requirements, we can use an npm toolkit—— pinyin-pro , the pure front-end realizes the function of converting Chinese characters to Pinyin. Characteristic function Support the input and acquisition of Chi ...

Posted by chiefrokka on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 16:05:27 +0100