Some knowledge about Axios

What is Axios? Axios is a promise based HTTP library. In short, it can send get and post requests. When it comes to get and post, you should think of Jquery for the first time. After all, when Jquery was popular a few years ago, everyone used it. However, due to the emergence of Vue, React and other frameworks, Jquery is not so popular. It is ...

Posted by mhoard8110 on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 17:04:50 +0100

JavaScript traversal object summary

var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Person.prototype); console.log(keys);//["constructor", "name", "age", "job", "sayHi"] var obj = { 0: "a", 1: "b", 2: "c"}; console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).sort()); // ["0", "1", "2"] preface The content of this chapter will be expanded according to the following figure: Traversal Object T ...

Posted by jjfletch on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 15:23:06 +0100

DOM and BOM operations

DOM and Bom DOMBOMDocument object modelBrowser object modelTreat the document as a * * * object***Treat the browser as a * * * object***The top-level object of DOM is DocumentThe top-level object of BOM is windowDOM is mainly used to manipulate page elementsBOM s are objects that interact with browser windowsDOM is the W3C Standard Specificati ...

Posted by jakep on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 14:55:24 +0100

JS advanced summary

JS advanced 1, js Foundation 1. Data type Classification: Basic (value) types: num, string, boolean, null, undefined; Object (Reference) type: object, function, array; (function, array is a special object) 2. Judge the data type typeof: the result returns the data type, but all obejct returns the object instanceof: judge the specific type ...

Posted by robinas on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 14:36:55 +0100

Chapter 3 special object array in JS

Chapter 3 special object array in JS For the previously learned data type, only one value can be stored (for example: Number/String). We want to store multiple values in a variable. How should we store them? The so-called array is to arrange multiple elements (usually of the same type) in a set in a certain order. Then this set is cal ...

Posted by Markto on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 11:21:20 +0100

TypeScript ใฎ 7 starting from 0: function

introduce Functions are the foundation of JavaScript applications. It helps you implement abstraction layers, simulation classes, information hiding and modules. It is also a first-class citizen in JavaScript. In TypeScript, although classes, namespaces and modules are supported, functions are still the main place to define behavior. Ty ...

Posted by gigantorTRON on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 03:13:38 +0100

Vue's learning path (component in Vue)

๐Ÿ“’ Programmer Xiao Wang's blog: Programmer Xiao Wang's blog ๐ŸŽ‰ Welcome to praise ๐Ÿ‘ Collection โญ Leaving a message. ๐Ÿ“ ๐Ÿ˜Š If you have an editor's error and contact the author, if you have a good article, welcome to share it with me, I will extract the essence and discard the dross. ๐Ÿ… Learning route of java self-study: Learning route of ja ...

Posted by Stryks on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 02:34:03 +0100

A Linux command with sufficient front end

prefaceAfter translating the official documents of TypeScript, I used VuePress to build a blog and realized the automatic deployment of GitHub and Gitee Pages, but I finally decided to build my own website. In the process of building the website, linux commands are indispensable. Therefore, this article writes a basically sufficient Linux comma ...

Posted by huntrguy102 on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 02:18:42 +0100

js basic syntax summary

js basic syntax summary Tip: Author: Participant Moral: those who meet will leave, one period and one prayer preface Tip: the following is the basis of JS syntax Sort it out by yourself for centralized review 1, Variable 1 what are variables A variable is a box of things Amount of change, content of change, data of change 2 ...

Posted by djremiasz on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 20:15:20 +0100

Objects in JS and their application on the web front end

Objects of JS How objects are created Creating Objects with Literal Quantity var a={};//JS hollow object, imagine a Java hollow Map var student={ //Use (:) to split key and value name:'zhangsan', age:18, doing:function(){ console.log('hello'); } } console.log(a); console.log(student); function someMethods(){ ...

Posted by wallabee on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 19:23:10 +0100