Binary Search Tree_BST

Catalog Binary Search Tree Definition Forms and basic properties Code base implementation Related Issues L2-004 Is this a binary search tree? Input format: Output format: thinking Problem Binary Search Tree Definition A binary search tree (English: Binary Search Tree), also known as a binary search tree, an ordered binary tree, or a so ...

Posted by dannyb785 on Sat, 30 May 2020 18:29:54 +0200

[12c] Histograms

Histogram, a special type of statistical information of columns, can provide more detailed data distribution information of columns in the table. Histogram stores values in buckets. Based on the number of different values and the distribution of data, the database selects the type of histogram to be created. The types of histogram are as follow ...

Posted by slibob on Wed, 27 May 2020 14:30:00 +0200

How springboot integrates Prometheus how to expose Histogram to obtain monitoring indicators such as P99

background How springboot integrates Prometheus is not described in detail here. For an understanding of the integration process, refer to the blog: Spring Boot uses Micrometer integrated Prometheus to monitor Java application performance, Let me tell you a little bit about how long p99, p90 and other metrics we need to get for some monitoring ...

Posted by weedo on Sat, 23 May 2020 21:43:57 +0200

react Reading Notes

Source Digging Booklet - react Actual: Design Patterns and Best Practices react design idea Property Expansion - Keep the props required by the current component and pass on other props var obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5} const { a, ...other } = obj console.log(other) // {b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5} In react, the interface is entire ...

Posted by vulcant13 on Sat, 16 May 2020 21:57:03 +0200

Scan / of pointnet + +

1. The author may divide the scanner data set into training set and test set and process them into. pickle files. 2. In the process of code running, the author read out the x, y, z coordinates of 1201 scenes in the training set and 312 scenes in the test set from the. pickle file. 3. Consider saving the point to a. txt file and visualizing ...

Posted by PHPHorizons on Sat, 16 May 2020 09:23:59 +0200

Do not over rely on Redis's expired monitoring

Yunqi information:[ Click to see more industry information]Here you can find the first-hand cloud information of different industries. What are you waiting for? Come on! Redis expired monitoring scenario In the business, there is a need to wait for a certain time to execute a certain behavior, such as closing an order after 30 minutes. There a ...

Posted by sujithfem on Thu, 14 May 2020 10:57:10 +0200

CountDownLatch demo and source code

In the previous project, we encountered a complex query, that is, we need to query 20 pieces of data in pages first, and then divide these 20 pieces of data into four categories according to the event type, and query the unique information of these four categories with threads respectively, and then after all the threads have finished executing ...

Posted by Spikey on Thu, 14 May 2020 07:40:22 +0200

Python 3. X basic tutorial 3

Hello, I'm a little circle who loves to learn programming. Today I'll talk about the if/elif/else statement code import time as t a = 0 while a < 1: x = input('Please enter a number (1-9)\n') y = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'] if x in y: print('The input is correct!') t.sleep(5) a=a + 1 ...

Posted by opencombatclan on Wed, 13 May 2020 17:00:53 +0200

LeetCode 235. The nearest common ancestor of binary search tree

My LeetCode: My LeetCode source code [GitHub]: LeetCode 235. The nearest common ancestor of binary search tree subject Given a binary search tree, the nearest common ancestor of two specified nodes in the tree is found. The definition of the nearest common ancestor in ...

Posted by bogdan on Wed, 13 May 2020 08:01:37 +0200

Wechat applet -- message board

Wechat small program -- Realization of message board Main function points: The border of rich text can automatically match the screen size; Displays the number of words entered in rich text; Get content in rich text and submit message; Pop up window after submitting message; Corresponding. wxml content be careful: Rich text is displaye ...

Posted by bradles on Tue, 05 May 2020 19:37:53 +0200