Vue.js learning note 13: navigation guard of Vue Router
Navigation guard
Global front guard
Global post hook
Route exclusive guard
Guard in assembly
Navigation guard
Let's consider a requirement: how to change the title of a web page in a SPA application?
The page title is displayed through < title >, but SPA only has a fixed HTML. When switching between different pages, th ...
Posted by blackcow on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 19:22:35 +0100
Calling interface mode in vue
Interface calling mode
Native ajaxajax based on jQueryfetchaxios
Promise is simply a container that holds the results of an event (usually an asynchronous operation) that will not end in the future. Syntactically speaking, promise is an object from which you can get the message of asynchronous operation.It mainly solves the problem ...
Posted by slushpuppie on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 23:58:30 +0100
vue notes - Basic chapter - v-_ Instruction syntax
1. Calculation attribute
Calculation properties can be configured in options, so let's take a look at its introduction on the official website According to the document, its structure is calculated: {}, in which the object can be key: function or key: {get: function, set: function} Its this execution is directed to the vue instance rather tha ...
Posted by chwebdesigns on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 19:41:41 +0100
Take you to upload pictures with VUE
Abstract: I saw the effect of uploading pictures when I visited station b. I thought I could do one myself. Because the original author was written in native js, I might as well write it in vue. Of course, it's a very small thing. It's good to directly reference vue in HTML files. The detailed steps are as follows~
This article is shared from ...
Posted by ahmedkl on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 11:41:27 +0100
Nuxt.js server rendering from installation to deployment
Nuxt.js server rendering scheme
Learn about nuxt Role of JSMaster nuxt Routing in JSMaster the differences among layouts, pages and componentsCan be in nuxt Using third-party ui libraries or plug-ins in JS projectsMaster nuxt How to get data asynchronously in JSMaster SEO optimization
1, What is SEO
SEO is the abbreviation of English Search ...
Posted by jimmyt1988 on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 20:31:22 +0100
2021-07-08 Summer Project Training of Software College of Shandong university-day8
Learning objectives:
Learn front-end knowledge and make clear the fuzzy knowledge points
Jump page with parametersDifferences between V-model, v-bind and v-onThe design of components and the use of propsFront and rear end interaction
Learning content:
Jump page with parameters, refer to the link: Add link description Specific implement ...
Posted by thesecraftonlymultiply on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 15:54:08 +0100
How to use dllplugin package to extract public dependencies and the problems encountered in the micro front end (Qiankun) project
For large projects, it is often necessary to extract the dependencies of common parts to avoid repeated loading of dependencies. When extracting public plug-ins, we can consider using externals [Webpack's externals. note]. However, the premise of externals is that all dependencies must have a cdn or find its corresponding JS file, such ...
Posted by Dark-Hawk on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 14:21:29 +0100
vue project transformation SSR (server rendering)
1. What is SSR (server-side rendering)?
Traditional vue project browser rendering mode
Disadvantages: 1. SEO problems 2. First screen speed problem 3. Performance issues
ssr server rendering mode
advantage: 1. Better SEO, because the search engine crawler can directly view the fully rendered page 2. Fast first screen rendering
SSR is s ...
Posted by kye on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 12:29:11 +0100
TypeScript advanced type 2 you need to know (summary)
Type inference:
If no type is explicitly specified, TS will infer a type according to the rule of Type Inference:
let myFavoriteNumber = 'seven'; //No mistake
myFavoriteNumber = 7; //Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.
Note: different from declaring no assignment, declaring no assignment will be set to any ...
Posted by rndilger on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 06:06:48 +0100
vue 50 knowledge points from shallow to deep
Glory gold
1. What are the advantages of Vue? The disadvantages of Vue?
Advantages: progressive, componentized, lightweight, virtual dom, responsive, single page routing, separation of data and view
Disadvantages: single page is not conducive to seo, does not support IE8 or below, and takes a long time to load the first screen
2. Why is Vue ...
Posted by scotte on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 04:47:28 +0100