Vue - vant based APP framework (navbar+tabbar+router)

Demo address: app1 project for This article mainly introduces how to use vant's navbar, tabbar and vue router to create a vue version of APP basic framework (suitable for Liu Haiping) The main interface of app is generally composed of three parts: navbar + main content + tabbar, as shown in the fol ...

Posted by susrisha on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 00:45:52 +0100

Vue version 3.0 - let's talk

vue3.0 version preface Study vue3 0 can learn and consolidate vue2 0 knowledge points are helpful for 3.0. Come on, Sao Nian! vue: Beta It can be seen that the Vue 3.0 beta version is a project series, including the suite and webpack plug-ins we need in the development process. This article will take you to quickly build a project fra ...

Posted by cjkeane on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 16:28:52 +0100

gin plus vue use nginx proxy to deploy server

The front and back ends are separated, and then deployed to a server. When vue is packaged, the benchmark path is packaged as the address of the back-end service without adding the end slogan. Then, the main operations of the back-end and server are as follows: You can use goland to connect to the server, which is more convenient The server is ...

Posted by lnfreish on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 11:32:38 +0100

Mutation method of VUE array (change method)

Mutation method of VUE array (change method) In Vue, modifying the value of an object property directly cannot trigger a response. When you directly modify the value of the object attribute, you will find that only the data has been changed, but the page content has not changed Array and object are a reference type, and the view layer ...

Posted by virken on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 04:18:34 +0100

Wechat applet monitors this Data change

Problems encountered In Vue, for data in state, Vue provides a general way to observe and respond to data changes on Vue instances: monitoring attribute watch. The same situation is encountered in the development of applet: it is necessary to monitor one or more data in the current page data in real time If there is a general method to monito ...

Posted by xadmin on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 00:46:52 +0100

element table manually implements user-defined filtering (Unofficial)

Look at the renderings first 1, Foreword Party A has to export well and use excel for advanced screening. It has to implement one in the web page.... The initial attempt to use the official screening of element is very different from that of excel after showing it to Party A.. Fortunately, the official provides a custom header, so you ...

Posted by jwcsk8r on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 12:31:21 +0100

vue parent-child component communication [case explanation]

Parent component communicates with child component The parent component wants to communicate with the child component through props in the child component props Type: Array | Object Details: props can be arrays or objects that receive data from parent components. props can be a simple array or use an object as an alternative, which a ...

Posted by leequalls on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 12:40:26 +0100

Non props attribute of VUE3

1. General Murphy's law tells us that people are always easy to make mistakes. No matter what degree of technology development or who they are, mistakes will always happen inadvertently. Therefore, when doing important things, we'd better try to estimate all possible errors, think about the remedial plan after the error, and then prepare one or ...

Posted by rptasiuk on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 12:31:18 +0100

Front end performance optimization - using content distribution network CDN

Why use CDN When more and more components are introduced, use the app packaged by webpack JS file is easy to become too large, which is very unfriendly to the first screen loading. The JS code using the third-party resources of CDN will no longer be packaged into the JS package of local services. Reduce the volume of local JS package and imp ...

Posted by Anyaer on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 06:58:02 +0100

Vue routing permission control

When we are working on the background management system, we will all involve the problem of how to dynamically display the menu tree on the left side of the system. At present, they are basically RBAC solutions, that is, Role-Based Access Control. Permissions are associated with roles. Users get the permissions of these roles by becoming member ...

Posted by er0x on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 06:16:18 +0100