[New Star program] Vue JS actual combat series: project development of video WebApp -- 12 Vuex is introduced to realize data management and login process
If you want to see the rest of this series, please move to Vue.js actual combat series to realize the project development of video WebApp.
Project warehouse address Welcome, Star
Realization effect
Function realization
Introduce Vuex
What is Vuex? Vuex is designed for Vue JS application development state management mode. It ...
Posted by maxedison on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 15:26:03 +0100
Vue3 - Vuex use
Vuex is suitable for complex state management
Install the specified version in Vue3
npm install vuex@next
Basic use process of Vuex
Simple version
Create a folder at the same level as components store / index js
import {createStore} from 'vuex'
const store = createStore({
Posted by Aérolithe on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 13:42:16 +0100
JavaScript basic knowledge series the most detailed interpretation in the history of This
This in js is an old topic. This article is probably the most comprehensive interpretation of this. Take a closer look.
1. First of all, we should understand the concept of objects in js. We say that js objects are roughly divided into dom objects and bom objects, that is, html pages are called objects, browsers are called objects, and the obj ...
Posted by morganchia on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 12:12:17 +0100
Vue lifecycle function
1. Common life cycle functions
Life cycle function is the function that vue instance will execute automatically at a certain point in time
When we create an instance, that is, when we call new Vue(), vue will help us create an instance. The creation process is not as simple as we think. It takes many steps
Init (Events & lifecy ...
Posted by hoyo on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 05:12:14 +0100
Deep analysis of vueroter source code
Routing principle
Before analyzing the source code, let's understand the implementation principle of front-end routing. The implementation of front-end routing is actually very simple. Its essence is to monitor the change of URL, then match the routing rules, display the corresponding page, and there is no need to refresh. At present, there ar ...
Posted by n8r0x on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 02:35:43 +0100
Usage of named slot and scope slot in vue2 and old and new syntax
Conceptual difference
Named slot: how to distinguish when there are multiple slots at the same time. Just specify a name for each slot
Scope slot: how to use the data of child components in the parent component to define the slot content. A simple understanding: the child slot displays its own internal data by default, but the parent wants to ...
Posted by menriquez on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 08:34:51 +0100
The new features of vue3 are different from those of vue2
It has been a long time since the official version of the test version of vue3 was released. Let's summarize vue3 0 compared with our vue2 new and changed content.
vue official entrance
1, Life cycle: (more relevant: entrance)
1,Removed vue2.0 Medium beforeCreate and created Two phases, the same new one setup
2,beforeMount Before ...
Posted by coldfused on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 04:49:28 +0100
Vue component communication
1, Pass parent component to child component
Parent components communicate with child components through props attribute Data is one-way flow parent - > child (if props data is modified in the child component, it is invalid, and there will be a red warning)
Parent component Vue code is as follows:
<div class="parent ...
Posted by parms on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 01:32:19 +0100
Vue2 learning notes Sharing -- bilibili Shangsi Valley video
1. Interpolation syntax
mustach syntax is used to parse the contents in the tag body. There is an expression in {xxx}} and all attributes in data can be read
2. Instruction syntax
Parsing tag attributes and tag body contents, binding events for tags, is also an expression, and the data in data can be read
Used to resolve tag prope ...
Posted by havenpets on Sun, 06 Feb 2022 19:51:16 +0100
vue component development
vue component development
Developed in vue, are developed with the idea of component. Generally, when a project is built, component templates will be built first, and shelves will be put up. That is, the <template>view layer, <script>logic layer, and <style>css style layer are defined in the component.
Typically, a comp ...
Posted by shanu_040 on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 18:24:34 +0100