Implementation and analysis of K NN algorithm

KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors) algorithm, also known as K-nearest neighbor algorithm, can be seen from the literal meaning alone. This algorithm must be related to distance. The core idea of KNN algorithm: In a feature space, if most of the K samples next to a sample belong to a category, the sample also belongs to this category to a large extent, a ...

Posted by w00kie on Thu, 26 Mar 2020 16:25:40 +0100

Experience summary of developing H5 page control by wechat based on Jquery WeUI

When wechat develops H5 pages, it often develops the interface effect based on WeUI or JQuery WeUI. Because I like to use JQuery on the Web interface of, I prefer to use JQuery Weii, this essay combines the official case and the experience summary of the actual development process of the project, analyzes and summarizes the interface co ...

Posted by oc1000 on Tue, 24 Mar 2020 07:42:47 +0100

MySQL data definition language (DDL)

SQL consists of the following four parts: 1 data definition language (DDL): DROP, CREATE, ALTER and other statements. 2 data operation language (DML): INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements. 3 data query language (DQL): SELECT statement. 4 data control language (DCL): GRANT, REVOKE, COMMIT, ROLLBACK and other statements. DDL(Dat ...

Posted by zaneosak on Mon, 23 Mar 2020 16:38:48 +0100

MySQL field constraint and multi table query

The field constraint of mysql is inevitable in the future. There are four main contents as follows: the primary key constraint is used for uniqueness and cannot be empty; the non empty constraint cannot be empty and can be repeated; the unique constraint can be empty but must be unique; the foreign key constraint is to make a certain associatio ...

Posted by Candrew on Mon, 23 Mar 2020 12:04:35 +0100

mysql highly available MHA + semi synchronous replication

1. Overview of MHA At present, MHA is a relatively mature solution in mysql high availability. It is developed by Japanese DeNA company youshimaton (now working in Facebook company), and it is an excellent high availability software for failover and master-slave improvement in mysql high availability environment. In the process of mysql failov ...

Posted by dbakker on Sun, 22 Mar 2020 16:49:22 +0100

Architect's Inner Work, Memo Mode Details Participating in Rich Text Editor Development

Memento Pattern, also known as Snapshot Pattern or Token Pattern, captures an internal state and preserves it outside the object without destroying the encapsulation.The object can then be restored to its original saved state. In software systems, the memo mode provides us with a mechanism of "regret medicine", which allows us to roll ...

Posted by coollog on Sun, 22 Mar 2020 07:16:37 +0100

MySQL task scheduling tool EVENT

Summary MySQL EVENT is a scheduled task, similar to crontab task on LinuxIt mainly has the following properties In mysql, the objects of timing events are globally unique event performs operations according to the schedule, including one SQL operation. You can also use begin and end to implement multiple SQL composite execution The permission ...

Posted by Otiose Dodge on Fri, 20 Mar 2020 11:42:24 +0100

Scrapy weather forecast practice of Python crawler

objective Write a real crawler, and save the crawled data to txt, json and existing mysql database.PS note: many people will encounter various problems in the process of learning python. No one can easily give up. For this reason, I have built a python full stack for free answer. Skirt: seven clothes, 977 bars and five (homophony of numbers) ca ...

Posted by jolly on Fri, 20 Mar 2020 11:00:24 +0100

Source code analysis of hotspot object local method

Catalog 1, Object.c 2, JVM? Clone 3, Shallow copy and deep copy 4, ObjectSynchronizer 1,FastHashCode / identity_hash_value_for 2,get_next_hash 3,inflate / inflate_helper 4,omAlloc / omRelease / omFlush 5,InduceScavenge / deflate_idle_monitors / deflate_monitor / walk_monitor_list 6,wait / n ...

Posted by scheinarts on Sun, 15 Mar 2020 04:22:25 +0100

Android development course of molet technology - Li Xinghua - 02ContentProvider

1. Introduction to ContentProvider The client operation contentResolver and ContentProvider are the same Auxiliary operation class ContentUris of Uri 2.ContentProvider database operation Project class structure 1. Create MetaData 2. Define a subclass of SQLiteOpenHelper class to create and delete me ...

Posted by erme on Sat, 14 Mar 2020 18:26:02 +0100