Creating SpreadJS custom cells using VUE components

As Vue, which has topped the list of popular frameworks in recent five years, you will learn part of the use of components. The modularization of front-end development can make the code logic simpler and clearer, and greatly enhance the scalability of the project. For Vue, the embodiment of modularity focuses on components, and modularization i ...

Posted by gammaman on Fri, 07 Jan 2022 04:47:37 +0100

Magic filter! Ingeniously realize concave smooth fillet

backgroundOne day, the group members asked such a question in the group, how to use CSS to realize the following layout:In the CSS world, it is very easy to achieve only the following effects:Once the fillet or wave effect is involved, the difficulty will increase a lot.In fact, it is troublesome to realize this continuous and smooth curve. Of ...

Posted by jredsmyth on Fri, 07 Jan 2022 03:27:28 +0100

[Echarts] National University Information Visualization

    Write in front This paper presents the crawled National University information visually using Echarts. Including classic line chart, bar chart, pie chart, and more interesting rose chart, rectangular tree chart, polar chart, distribution map, etc. In addition, the original data (json) and complete code (html) have been uploaded and c ...

Posted by flyersun on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 12:55:24 +0100

Graph Based SLAM Fundamentals

© By Alex 01 introduction The basic framework of SLAM can be roughly divided into two categories: probability based methods such as EKF, UKF, particle filters and graph based methods. Graph based method is essentially an optimization method, which aims to minimize the observation error of the environment. It is still the core of the main ...

Posted by engelsol on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 12:44:20 +0100

Front end learning record - JavaScript

preface This chapter mainly introduces the knowledge of JavaScript objects; 1, Object "Object" in JavaScript, an object is an unordered collection of related attributes and methods. All things are objects, such as strings, values, arrays, functions, etc. Composition and use of objects 1. Objects are composed of attributes and ...

Posted by DaveLinger on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 12:27:34 +0100

ES6 new syntax (deconstruction assignment, template string)

1, Deconstruction assignment Deconstruction assignment syntax is a JavaScript expression. By deconstruction assignment, you can take the attribute / value from the object / array and assign it to other variables. Object and array correspondence expressions, or object literals and array literals, provide a simple way to define a specific da ...

Posted by pp4sale on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 09:40:40 +0100

webpack: basic usage

1, babel What is babel? The browser does not support ES6 syntax well. Some ES6 syntax cannot be recognized by the browser; The JSX syntax of React cannot be recognized by the browser. It needs to be converted to the syntax recognized by the browser before it can be interpreted and executed by the browser. We need babel to do this and use babel ...

Posted by dookie on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 07:15:30 +0100

[jQuery in front-end tutorial series] 04_jQuery queue control, plug-in mechanism, multi database coexistence

jQuery video through train from getting started to becoming proficient:         JQuery video tutorial, from introduction to actual combat, interactive actual combat between native ajax and jQuery ajax, easy to understand! 1, jQuery object access each(callback) Execute a function with each matching element as the context. This means that ev ...

Posted by gr8dane on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 06:37:51 +0100

[JavaSript knowledge training - Basics] [12 Javascript object programming] [JavaScript language basics] [11 JavaScript objects] []

9. JavaScript overview 1, JavaSript knowledge training - Basics 1. JavaScript is a scripting language that runs on (). B. Client 2. JavaScript code is usually embedded into html documents with () tags. D,script 3. The only tool for writing JavaScript programs is a plain text editor. B. Error 4. After defining a variable with var, if no ...

Posted by katie77 on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 05:23:43 +0100

Apiccloud introductory tutorial window

*This article was contributed by the developer of apiccloud at the end of the seaWhat is a window? A window can be understood as a basic carrier of screen content. Navigation, pictures, videos, text, etc. can be placed inside to form a screen content.Different windows form an APP. For example, the shopping APP has different windows such as [hom ...

Posted by Timewell on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 04:52:27 +0100