Configuring proxy in nginx_ pass

nginx http proxy Via proxy_set_header, which returns the real IP address and port of the client instead of the proxy host IP server { listen 80; location / { proxy_set_header Host h o s t : ...

Posted by turdferguson on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 08:48:29 +0100

Functions and features of Nginx

Functions and features of Nginx Original 2021-12-22 20:12· Pears smell like milk In the past 10 years, nginx has risen rapidly as a new generation in the Web server industry. Nginx was written by Igor Sysoev, a Russian engineer, and the first public version: 1.0.0 was released on October 4, 2004 1. Apache has always occupied the first ...

Posted by php_coder_dvo on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 23:58:41 +0100

Ribbon load balancing of spring cloud Alibaba project

SpringCloudAlibaba essay directory I SpringCloudAlibaba is the father of the project II Nacos building and service registration of spring cloud Alibaba project III Producers and consumers of spring cloud Alibaba project IV Ribbon load balancing of spring cloud Alibaba project V OpenFeign remote call of spring cloudalibaba project Vi Nacos confi ...

Posted by Love_Daddy on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 02:55:21 +0100

Nginx learning - nginx seven layer load balancing (will you not see it yet?)

Load balancing is divided into four layers of load balancing and seven layers of load balancing The so-called four layer load balancing refers to the transport layer in the OSI reference model, which is mainly based on ip + port load balancing Realize four layer load balancing: Hardware: F5,BIG-IP,EADWARE Software: lvs,nginx,hayproxy The so-c ...

Posted by shan111 on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 20:16:19 +0100

Spring cloud Alibaba: load balancer Ribbon

What is ribbon At present, the mainstream load schemes are divided into the following two types: Centralized load balancing uses independent agents between consumers and service providers, including hardware (e.g. F5) and software (e.g. nginx)The client does load balancing according to its own request, and the Ribbon belongs to the client t ...

Posted by metuin on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 01:28:22 +0100

LVS cluster theory, load balancing

1, Cluster and distributed 1. Cluster 1.1 meaning of cluster Cluster, cluster It is composed of multiple hosts, but only as a whole Question: In Internet applications, as the site has higher and higher requirements for hardware performance, response speed, service stability and data reliability, a single server is unable to meet its n ...

Posted by PHPNewbie55 on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 19:37:05 +0100

Build the initial environment of spring cloud project - service registry Nacos

Service registry Nacos 1, Introduction to Nacos registry 1. Background analysis In microservices, the first problem we need to face is how to find services (software is a service), and the second is how to communicate between different services? How to manage each service in the application better and more conveniently, and how to establish ...

Posted by texmansru47 on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 09:12:47 +0100

Load balancing algorithm

Summarize the video of up main IT brother from b station summary Common load balancing algorithms include random, weighted random, polling, weighted polling, smooth weighted polling and consistent hash algorithm Server IP public class ServerIps { public static final List<String> LIST = Arrays.asList( "A", ...

Posted by hiberphoptik on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 18:39:50 +0100

4: Spring cloud ribbon, Feign load balancing

1.Ribbon meaning Spin cloud ribbon is a set of client load balancing tools based on NetfixRibbon is a set of open source projects released by Netfix. Its main function is to provide the client software load balancing method to connect the middle tier services of Netfix. Ribbon's client provides a series of complete configuration items: connect ...

Posted by NL_Rosko on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 13:32:27 +0100

Load balancing algorithm

1, Random method Completely random: randomly select one of the servers for access according to the list size value of the back-end server through the random algorithm of the system. According to the theory of probability and statistics, as the number of calls from the client to the server increases, the actual effect is closer and closer to th ...

Posted by Boo-urns on Mon, 13 Dec 2021 14:46:14 +0100