Spring boot implements current limiting

preface   when developing high concurrency systems, there are three sharp tools to protect the system: caching, degradation and current limiting. Current limiting can be considered as a kind of service degradation. Current limiting protects the system by limiting the requested traffic.    generally speaking, the throughput of ...

Posted by mridang_agarwal on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 01:53:15 +0100

mybatis implements L2 cache

Course objectives Integrated ehcache 1, Mybatis integrated ehcache 1. Why cache Pull up program performance 2. What kind of data needs to be cached Data that is rarely modified or not modified at all Business scenarios, such as time-consuming statistical analysis sql, telephone bill query sql, etc 3. What is ehcache Ehcache ...

Posted by healthbasics on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 13:11:28 +0100

Sentinel construction of Redis node high availability monitoring

I. Introduction background The master-slave is built in front. When the master server goes down, one slave server needs to be manually switched to the master server. Manual intervention is laborious and laborious, and the service will not be available for a period of time Sentinel mode introduction Redis provides sentry commands and is a ...

Posted by lrdaramis on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 01:08:48 +0100

redis detailed notes

redis detailed notes xxd 2021 / 12 / 03 Beijing 1, Getting started with redis redis installation 1. Download redis-5.0 7.tar. GZ and put it in our Linux directory / opt 2. In the / opt directory, unzip the command: tar -zxvf redis-5.0 7.tar. gz 3. After decompression, a folder appears: redis-5.0 seven 4. Enter the directory: CD redis-5. ...

Posted by FlashHeart on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 10:52:05 +0100

[redis source code learning] redis exclusive "linked list": ziplist

Problem throw Have you used Python's list? It is a data structure that can store any type of data and supports random reading. If you haven't used it, there's no way. In essence, this list can use arrays and linked lists as its underlying structure. I don't know what the list in Python takes as its underlying structure. But redis's list ...

Posted by sirkodo on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 22:21:35 +0100

Database sub database sub table - distributed global Id required

In the project development, with the continuous development of business, the data increases day by day. At this time, the database and table splitting operation of the data table will appear. Once the database and table are divided. The traditional ID loses its meaning. Therefore, a distributed global ID is required. Characteristics of distrib ...

Posted by sBForum on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 02:43:17 +0100

Interpretation of source code design of ziplist, quicklist and listpack

Inspiration from ziplost to quicklist and then listpack When introducing Redis's optimized design of data structure to improve memory utilization, it mentioned that compressed list (ziplost) can be used to save data. So now you should also know that the biggest feature of ziplost is that it is designed as a memory compact data structure, occup ...

Posted by kubak on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 13:50:48 +0100

Redis Server startup process parsed from source

Redis Server Startup Process Today, let's start with Redis server. We know that the main function is the entry to Redis's entire running program, and that when a Redis instance is running, it also starts executing from this main function. Also, since Redis is a typical Client-Server architecture, once the Redis instance starts running, the Re ...

Posted by fred12ned on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 09:50:10 +0100

Drink, talk and chat, based on vue3 0+Tornado6. 1 + redis PubSub mode non blocking real-time communication chat system

The original text is reproduced from "Liu Yue's technology blog" https://v3u.cn/a_id_202"Desire for expression" is a powerful "source power" in the history of human growth. Engels pointed out bluntly that human beings in the ignorant era, that is, the low-level stage, "take fruits, nuts and roots as food; the ...

Posted by frankienrg on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 23:21:53 +0100

Comprehensive analysis of advanced core knowledge in Java and learning materials for linux

* Static inner class. be used for hash Operation! */ public static class SimpleHash { private int cap; private int seed; public SimpleHash(int cap, int seed) { this.cap = cap; this.seed = seed; } /** * Calculate hash value */ public int hash(Object value) { int h; return (value == null) ? 0 : Math.abs(seed * (c ...

Posted by enkidu72 on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 21:56:46 +0100