Here comes the redis dry goods you want! Redis cluster model construction and principle explanation

Source network, only for learning, if there is infringement, please contact delete. Before Redis 3.0, sentinel mechanism was used to monitor the status of each node. Redis Cluster is redis's distributed solution, which was officially launched in version 3.0, effectively solving redis's distributed requirements. When encountering single machin ...

Posted by nigelbashford on Mon, 25 May 2020 10:23:23 +0200

docker installation and use under CentOS 7

docker start stop sudo systemctl start docker.service sudo systemctl stop docker.service sudo systemctl restart docker.service sudo systemctl status docker.service sudo systemctl enable docker sudo docker ps -a ## <-- List existing images ## sudo docker stop 17dd4ab4cda2 ##<-- 17dd4ab4cda2 by container id ## sudo docker rm 17dd4ab4cda ...

Posted by Scorptique on Thu, 21 May 2020 16:38:11 +0200

Modify DNS server configuration by raspberry pie

Modify profile 1 sudo vim /etc/dhcpcd.conf Add the following content, we use Google DNS (Beijing Unicom test speed is good) 1 static domain_name_servers= Complete sample file section 1 2 3 4 interface eth0 static ip_address= static routers=192.168.1 ...

Posted by mars_rahul on Sun, 03 May 2020 06:41:09 +0200

Introduction to CUDA Programming

CUDA is a parallel computing framework. It is used for computing acceleration. It is a product of nvidia. It is widely used in the current deep learning acceleration In a word, cuda helps us to put operations from cpu to gpu, and gpu multithreads process operations at the same time to achieve accelerated effect Let's start with a simple examp ...

Posted by subhuman on Sun, 05 Apr 2020 22:55:02 +0200

EMQ server problem handling and analysis

Problem description Restart EMQ by operating back and forth on a server. During cluster and exit cluster operations, the following errors are reported in the log. EMQ uses rpm command to install, but it can't locate relevant problems. 2018-04-27 10:13:02.032 [error] <0.1274.0> Supervisor emqttd_sup had child emqttd_bro ...

Posted by just_nobody on Sun, 29 Mar 2020 20:09:36 +0200

Azure configuration management series Oracle Linux (PART3)

Azure configuration management series Oracle Linux (PART1) Azure configuration management series Oracle Linux (PART2) Azure configuration management series Oracle Linux (PART4) 4. Install VNC server in Oracle Linux VM In this article, describe the process of installing VNC server in Oracle Linux VM. To set up the VNC server, we perform the fol ...

Posted by Darkwoods on Wed, 04 Mar 2020 12:18:46 +0100

Linux? Rights management

Linux Article directory Linux 1. Introduction to authority 2. Authority management command 2.1 command chmod to modify permissions 2.2 modify command chown of file owner and group 2.3 modify file group command chgrp 3. mask code 4. linux security context and special permissions 4.1 linux securit ...

Posted by shooka on Sat, 29 Feb 2020 05:37:48 +0100

Deploy ceph cluster

Environmental preparation Deployment environment System version: CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core) ceph version: ceph 12.2.13 (luminous) Hardware configuration: 5 VMS, 1 core and 1G memory. Each node role machine should mount at least one free disk for osd Server role host name IP role admi ...

Posted by bugz-2849 on Thu, 27 Feb 2020 11:14:42 +0100

How to implement AWS Lambda&Fargate service free underlying technology

1, AWS Serverless service In recent years, AWS highly advocates the serverless mode. Since Lambda released in 2014, serverless mode has become popular. Then, AWS Fargate service was launched in 2017, which was applied to its own container service platform ECS. In 2019, EKS also successively supported AWS Fargate. Now, more users use serverles ...

Posted by on Wed, 26 Feb 2020 10:15:11 +0100

Windows 10 Docker Machine deployment Ubuntu 18.04lts host

1. Install Docker Machine If Git is installed, you can use git bash to execute the following command: $ base= && mkdir -p "$HOME/bin" && curl -L $base/docker-machine-Windows-x86_64.exe > "$HOME/bin/docker-machine.exe" ...

Posted by jameslloyd on Sun, 16 Feb 2020 11:26:28 +0100