Fluent animatedlist uses parsing

Climbers who aspire to the top will not be intoxicated by a footprint along the way. In the coder's world, the beautiful application experience comes from the programmer's handling of details and the realm of self requirements. Young people are also one of the busy coders. They leave some footprints every day and every week. There is a persiste ...

Posted by jonemo on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 23:52:33 +0100

Fluent learning functional Widget

1. WillPopScope It is a component of navigation return interception, similar to the onBackPress method encapsulated in Android. Take a look at its constructor: class WillPopScope extends StatefulWidget { const WillPopScope({ Key? key, required this.child, required this.onWillPop, }) onWillPop is a callback function. When ...

Posted by stridox on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 12:55:03 +0100

Dart language 02 - Advanced

1, Functions 1. Custom method //main entry method void main() { //Call method printInfo(); //Custom methods can also be defined inside the main method int getNum() { return 1; } print(getNum()); } //The custom method void has no return value void printInfo() { print("Custom method"); } 2. Location optional parameter m ...

Posted by ckuipers on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 21:56:14 +0100

Write a fluent persistent session manager

preface Last Flutter network request session management This paper introduces Dio's Cookie processing. Although the desired effect has been achieved, there are still three problems to be solved: Cookie management code and business code are put together, exposing the details of the implementation.Cookie s are not persistent. Once the App is cl ...

Posted by direwolf on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 23:10:31 +0100

Fluent learning scrollable Widget

5. AnimatedList AnimatedList has the same function as ListView. As its name implies, it will perform some animation when inserting or deleting nodes in the list It is a StatefulWidget, and the corresponding State is AnimatedListState. The methods of adding and deleting elements are as follows: void insetItem(int index, { Duration duratio ...

Posted by OLG on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 16:15:52 +0100

Principle and use of fluent Key what happens without a Key

In fluent, almost every widget has a Key, but we usually don't pass the Key when we use it. So what is the Key used for? Almost every widget has it, but we rarely use it When on earth will it be needed? Next, let's see what happens when you don't use a key when you need a key Let's start with a common example: Column( children: [ Conta ...

Posted by DeepakJ on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 04:43:01 +0100

The widget in fluent has been interviewed by 11 companies such as Tencent, station B and Netease in two months

} ///Called when the State object is permanently removed from the tree; Resources are usually released in this callback @override void dispose() { super.dispose(); debugPrint('child dispose...'); } } The output of the execution is displayed as: - Run to display ```java I/flutter (22218): parent initState...... I/flutter (22218): parent did ...

Posted by moltenice on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 18:38:14 +0100

Android transition animation, fluent development, practical explanation pdf

When starting an activity: ActivityCompat.startActivity(Intent(this@BeforeActivity,BeforeTwoActivity::class.java), ActivityOptionsCompat.makeCustomAnimation(this@BeforeActivity, android.R.anim.fade_in, android.R.anim.fade_out).toBundle()) ####When finish ing: ActivityCompat.finishAfterTransition(this) How ...

Posted by LemonInflux on Tue, 14 Dec 2021 21:11:39 +0100

IOS fluent learning road day4

Write your first fluent app This is a guide to creating your first fluent application. If you are familiar with object-oriented and basic programming concepts (such as variables, loops, and conditional control), you can complete this tutorial without knowing Dart or having experience in mobile development. Step 1: create a fluent appStep 2: ...

Posted by scliburn on Tue, 14 Dec 2021 20:07:10 +0100

Automatic deserialization of fluent Jason, 2021 gold, silver and four sides trial season

What will you learn How to parse json objects in fluentHow to generate code using the auto generation toolHow to test your data Start json deserialization Step 1: create mock data In the actual development process, we may modify some of the previous code. When our code is complex and large enough, we need to use unit tests to ensure that th ...

Posted by monkeytooth on Tue, 14 Dec 2021 19:26:48 +0100