JS design pattern - structural design

Structural design pattern Structural design patterns focus on how to combine classes or objects into larger and more complex knot structures to simplify design 1, Appearance mode Appearance mode: it provides a more advanced unified interface for a group of complex subsystem interfaces, which makes the results of the subsystem easier to a ...

Posted by angel1987 on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 06:15:55 +0200

jQuery usage details day1

day01 - jQuery 1.1. Introduction to jquery 1.1.1 JavaScript Library A JavaScript library, or library, is an encapsulated collection of specific methods and functions. To understand the library from the perspective of encapsulating a large number of functions, it is in this library that many predefined functions are encapsulated, such as anim ...

Posted by smarthouseguy on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 22:19:22 +0200

17 jQuery send request node npm related

get request  $. get()  -  Send get request //  Parameter 1: request address  -  Required //  Parameter 2: request body  -  Optional //  The request body can be a string or an object //  Parameter 3: successful callback function  -  Optional //  Parameter 4: data format to ...

Posted by wmolina on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 02:17:17 +0200

ajax and servlet -- Verify that the user name exists

Verify that the user name exists -- using jQuery 1. Database mysql The user name already exists in the database. 2. html Page <body> <h1>User Login</h1> <hr> <form name="regForm" action="dologin.jsp" method="post"> <table> <tr> <td>user ...

Posted by splitinfo on Fri, 17 Jul 2020 16:26:13 +0200

django implements foreground and background data binding by submitting form with ajax+post

The first step is to introduce jquery files, either online or offline, to add to your own staticfiles What's demonstrated here is adding offline <script src={% static 'js/jquery-2.1.1.min.js' %}></script> Note that this sentence is added before the ajax jquery script you write. Then the HTML form is as follows: ...

Posted by TraceyK on Tue, 07 Jul 2020 16:31:40 +0200

. Net architecture programming

Programming questions 1. Implement fuzzy query in the controller and return the result to the view. (example of fuzzy query user name) [front view code] <form action="QueryUsername" method="post"> User name: < input type = "text" name = "username" / > < input type = &q ...

Posted by mansuang on Wed, 01 Jul 2020 17:06:58 +0200

Backup private key for MAC decentralized wallet development

1, Private key   in this lesson, we will continue to register the Token, which is to backup the private key. Each public chain will have a private key, but it is different. There are four private keys in MAC. namely Wallet Key Wallet key is one of the necessary information to open MAC wallet. ...

Posted by doodmon on Mon, 29 Jun 2020 10:36:56 +0200

AJAX & search Association & two ways of paging

Getting started with AJAX AJAX introduction AJAX(Asynchronous JavaScript And XML): asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is not a new technology in itself, but a combination of multiple technologies. Technology for quickly creating dynamic web pages. If you need to update the content of a normal web ...

Posted by rogair on Sun, 28 Jun 2020 07:53:03 +0200

Basic syntax of jQuery, selector, DOM operation

What is JS framework JS framework is also written in JavaScript language. The framework itself provides a lot of new methods, which can simplify JS code and improve development efficiency. To put it bluntly, it is a defined JS file that encapsulates many functions inside, which can greatly simplify ou ...

Posted by dhimok on Sun, 28 Jun 2020 04:43:26 +0200

Beego Learning Notes 15: Layout Page

Page Layout 1> An html page is made up of: head part, body part, internal css, internal js, external css, external js.Therefore, a layout file also needs to be split against these.     2> Create a new oneLayout.goController.Write an instance that references the layout file.The code is as follows: package controllers import ( "github.co ...

Posted by ReD_BeReT on Wed, 24 Jun 2020 18:17:42 +0200