[deep learning] Python face recognition library_ Recognition tutorial

Python face recognition library_ Recognition tutorial face_recognition is known as the simplest open source face recognition library in the world, which can recognize and operate faces through Python or command line. face_recognition provides very complete technical documents and application examples. Beginners of face recognition recommend st ...

Posted by Dookster on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 01:27:13 +0100

The first Hehuang cup data Lake algorithm competition in Qinghai Province - vehicle multi-attribute recognition track preliminary baseline_ copy

2021 the first Hehuang cup data Lake algorithm competition in Qinghai Province - vehicle multi-attribute recognition track preliminary baseline (Unofficial) Link from AI Studio project https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/projectdetail/3511579 1, Event background At present, China's digital economy is developing by leaps and bounds, and remar ...

Posted by Crogge on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 16:11:21 +0100

Keras running GAN instance (2022.2.25)

1. GAN introduction GAN (generative advantageous networks) is a network proposed by Ian J. Goodfellow and others at the 2014 nips conference. They proposed a new framework for estimating generative models using confrontation processing. The framework can train two models at the same time: one is generative model G (Generator generator Gene ...

Posted by ppgpilot on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 10:26:39 +0100

Common activation functions

Activation function: The principle of activation layer is to add nonlinear activation function after the output of other layers to increase the nonlinear ability of the network and improve the ability of neural network to fit complex functions. The selection of activation function is very important for the training of neural network. The commo ...

Posted by saronoff on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 09:19:44 +0100

Convolutional neural network UNET learning

Convolutional neural network UNET learning Video portal (entrance of station B) nn.Sequential As an ordered container, the neural network module will be added to the calculation diagram in the order of the incoming constructor. At the same time, the ordered dictionary with the neural network module as the element can also be used as the inco ...

Posted by blackmamba on Thu, 24 Feb 2022 15:52:48 +0100

Mindspire tutorial - 9 reasoning

reasoning This section is the last section of the initial tutorial. In order to better adapt to different reasoning devices, reasoning is divided into 1) shengteng AI processor reasoning and 2) mobile device reasoning. Shengteng AI processor reasoning 1 Overview Ascend AI processor is an energy-efficient and highly integrated AI processor f ...

Posted by fwbbetsy on Thu, 24 Feb 2022 11:08:57 +0100

GAN animation character avatar generation

GAN animation character avatar generation 1. Introduction A simple DCGAN network is built to generate the avatars of animation characters. The avatar data set of animation characters is taken from kaggle, and the website is as follows link 2. Network structure data setgenerator Discriminator 2.1 data set The data size is 64x64x3, and the ...

Posted by RHolm on Thu, 24 Feb 2022 09:05:11 +0100

PointPillars point cloud detection in OpenPCDet reasoning code explanation

The implementation and explanation of PointPillars' paper and training code have been analyzed in detail in the previous article. Please refer to the previous blog: PointPillars paper analysis and OpenPCDet code analysis_ Nnnathan blog - CSDN blog. This blog will analyze the reasoning code of PointPillars model in OpenPCDet in detail and test ...

Posted by RobM on Thu, 24 Feb 2022 08:59:10 +0100

Copy of pointnet code (the most complete in the whole network) from scratch

import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim from torch.utils.data import Dataset,DataLoader import h5py import glob import os import json from tqdm import tqdm import sys import open3d as o3d Written in the front, the directory structure of ...

Posted by dourvas on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 16:41:50 +0100

[multi label text classification] code explanation Seq2Seq model

·Reading summary:   this paper proposes a classical Seq2Seq model, which is applied to the field of machine translation. However, Seq2Seq is applicable to many fields, such as multi label text classification. ·References:   [1] Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks [Note 1]: the Seq2Seq model proposed in th ...

Posted by NoobPHP on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 14:01:17 +0100