Alibaba cloud OSS upload and intelligent image recognition garbage recognition

Alibaba cloud OSS object storage upload pictures and intelligent image recognition garbage recognition I believe that the majority of novice programmers, like me, want to write an intelligent image recognition, but they can't find it in Baidu or don't know what it means when they check. Next, I will contribute my own process and code of writin ...

Posted by varzosu on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 13:55:49 +0100

Deep learning pytorch framework -- convolutional neural network

This blog is only used to record the learning process, avoid forgetting and facilitate future review Convolutional neural network is good at image processing. It is inspired by human visual nervous system. CNN has two characteristics: 1. It can effectively reduce the dimension of pictures with large amount of data into small amount of ...

Posted by thangappan on Tue, 22 Feb 2022 15:20:50 +0100

pytorch training classifier

Training a Classifier We learned how to define the neural network, calculate the loss and update the network weight What about data? Usually, when you have to deal with images, text, audio or video, you can use a standard python package that can load data into a numpy array, and then convert the array to torch* Tensor Image: pilot, opencvAu ...

Posted by hunainrasheed on Tue, 22 Feb 2022 14:24:29 +0100

Deep learning notes of vegetables | theory and Implementation Based on Python

Series index: Chapter 1 Python Basics (1) Python Libraries - numpy, matplotlib Here is an example to understand the use of two important Python libraries. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt x = np.arange(0, 6, 0.1) y1 = np.sin(x) y2 = np.cos(x) plt.plot(x, y1, label="sin") plt.plot(x, y2, linestyle="--", label ...

Posted by modulor on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 13:30:15 +0100

[source code analysis] NVIDIA HugeCTR, GPU version parameter server---

[source code analysis] NVIDIA HugeCTR, GPU version parameter server - (4) 0x00 summary In this series, we introduce HugeCTR, an industry-oriented recommendation system training framework, which is optimized for large-scale CTR models with model parallel embedding and data parallel intensive networks. This paper mainly introduces the firs ...

Posted by nosmasu on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 13:00:07 +0100

Model fine tuning technology

1, Common skills in transfer learning: fine tuning 1.1 concept Take the weights trained on the big data set as the initialization weight of the specific task (small data set), and retrain the network (modify the full connection layer output as needed); The training methods can be: 1. Fine tune all layers; 2. Fix the weights of the front l ...

Posted by daanoz on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 10:51:38 +0100

tensorflow2 implements yolov3 and uses opencv4 5.5 DNN loading model prediction

overview For those detectors running on GPU platform, their backbone network may be VGG, ResNet, ResNeXt or DenseNet. For those detectors running on the CPU platform, their detectors may be SqueezeNet, MobileNet and shufflenet. The most representative two-stage target detector R-CNN series include fast R-CNN, fast R-CNN, R-FCN [9], Libra ...

Posted by MisterWebz on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 06:15:54 +0100

PyTorch detailed common image data set loading and preprocessing (three kinds)

preface: from import Dataset from import DataLoader import torchvision.transforms as transforms 1. Dataset in torch utils. data 2. It is required for loading text or image data sets, custom data sets, special formats or official data sets. DataLoader in 3, uses this package for both text a ...

Posted by andre3 on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 18:19:23 +0100

BM3D algorithm semi solution with python code

1. Ideas There are some similarities between BM3D and NLM algorithms. NLM has written before: go to They all use the features of other regions of the image and the current block features to fuse into denoised image blocks. The main differences are as follows:         1. Search only within a fixed radi ...

Posted by mattachoo on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 16:25:39 +0100

PP minilm, a fast, small and accurate Chinese characteristic pre training model, has been released

Reprinted from AI Studio Title item link PP minilm, a fast, small and accurate Chinese characteristic pre training model, has been released! Transformer pre training model has achieved remarkable results in NLP tasks, but its huge model parameters and slow inference speed limit its wi ...

Posted by MrBiz on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 11:18:16 +0100