Learning notes of Neural Collaborative Filtering
Learn the "Neural Collaborative Filtering". This paper introduces the use of deep neural network to model user item interaction, proposes NCF framework, and instantiates GMF, MLP and NeuMF.
Problems with MF
1. Assuming that all hidden factors are independent of each other, MF can be regarded as a linear model (when doing inner produ ...
Posted by TEENFRONT on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 18:47:48 +0100
Summary of knowledge points of hands-on learning PyTorch
2.2.5 conversion between tensor and numpy
We can easily use numpy () and from_numpy() converts arrays in Tensor and numpy to each other. However, it should be noted that the arrays in Tensor and numpy generated by these two functions share the same memory (so the conversion between them is fast). When changing one of them, the other will also ...
Posted by devangel on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 04:30:41 +0100
Matplotlib data visualization
Task03 This study refers to Datawhale open source learning: https://github.com/datawhalechina/fantastic-matplotlib The content is generally derived from the original text and adjusted in combination with their own learning ideas. Personal summary: 1. Use plt.subplots and GridSpec to draw uniform and non-uniform subgraphs respectively. Both meth ...
Posted by cheekydump on Tue, 23 Nov 2021 16:02:31 +0100
DeepLearning:Train and Test Records on ResNet-18 Model
ResNet-18:Train and Test Records
**Invariant: * * 200 rounds, ResNet18, input image size 32 (pad=4, randomCrop=32), batchsize=256
**Variables: * * learning rate, optimizer, policy
Note: because the experiment is at 32 × 32, so maxpooling (thank to teacher shi.) should not be used before the second layer, but I didn't know at the be ...
Posted by Tubby on Sun, 21 Nov 2021 12:26:55 +0100
[PyTorch] 2. Preliminary application of PyTorch
2.1 build a neural network using pytoch
Learning objectives:
Master the basic process of constructing neural network with PytorchMaster the implementation process of constructing neural network with Pytorch
About torch.nn:
Use Pytorch to build neural networks. The main tools are in torch.nn packagenn relies on autograd to define the model a ...
Posted by jmajeremy on Fri, 19 Nov 2021 08:26:06 +0100
Construction of LeNet model based on pytorch
Above, we used pytorch to build BP neural network. This time, we will build CNN's classic network LeNet or MNIST dataset. The specific data acquisition methods are not introduced in detail in this paper, but only how to build a model and train the dataset. LeNet neural network was proposed by Yan LeCun, one of the three giants of deep learning. ...
Posted by Kerry Kobashi on Thu, 18 Nov 2021 03:39:01 +0100
RNN process details
RNN and its code flow
This paper focuses on the whole process of RNN rather than the derivation process of BP
What is RNN
Recurrent Neural Network Cyclic neural network
Why do you need RNN?
Ordinary neural networks can only deal with one input separately, and the former input has nothing to do with the latter input. However, some task ...
Posted by sebnewyork on Fri, 12 Nov 2021 22:02:07 +0100
Neural network -- pytoch implementation of residual network Restnet18
Neural network -- pytoch implementation residual network ResNet18
ResNet18 is a reference 👉 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1154y1S7WC?share_source=copy_web It is realized by the idea of building ResNet. If there are errors or other problems, please point them out!!!
In addition, this paper only introduces the idea of implement ...
Posted by g_p_java on Fri, 22 Oct 2021 05:23:50 +0200
Handwritten numeral recognition based on LeNet
1. Experimental contents
MNIST data loading and visualization Read the relevant materials and papers of LeNet-5 and implement the network layer by layer under any framework of Keras, tensorflow or pytoch Construction of network model Model training is implemented on MNIST data set to evaluate model performance indicators Take a photo c ...
Posted by theelectricwiz on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 05:18:46 +0200
Undergraduate in-depth learning - the simplest LSTM explanation, multi picture display, source code practice and suggestions collection
1. What is lstm
2. Network structure of lstm
1. Architecture diagram
3. lstm's door
3.1 description of input data
3.2 the core of LSTM is three gate functions
3.3 door
3.4 input gate
3.5 output valve
4. pytorch module parameters
5. lstm example
Required packages:
Source code:
6. Summary
It's been a while since the last ...
Posted by jannz on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 02:18:31 +0200